Don’t Forget! Your Deductible Starts Over!

Wednesday, 24 November 2021

Deductible Starts Over

We’re slowly getting to the end of the year, and while most of us have Christmas on our minds, it’s important to remember that the end of the year doesn’t only bring with it Christmas tree lights and presents! The end of the year also signifies that your health insurance deductible may be starting over.

For most insurance plans – not all – but most, the health insurance deductible typically starts over January 1st.

So, what does this mean for you?

Any medical appointments that you need, make sure you schedule now before January 1st, especially if you have already met your deductible or are close to meeting it.

Doctor’s office’s schedules tend to fill up fast this time of year for this reason! So, schedule soon if you are able, otherwise that met deductible will go back to $0 the first of the year and you’ll be paying out of pocket for those medical services.

If you’d like to know if your deductible is met, call the number on the back of your insurance card to speak to a representative or call Clevenger Insurance at 574-267-2181.