Have you ever found yourself hesitating to reach for valuable items when packing for a vacation or a work trip? Your laptop is a necessity to get the job done and you can’t kick back and relax without that portable speaker that plays your favorite tunes. But what if these items get stolen or damaged? What happens then?
Well, we have #marvelous news for you! Your personal property is covered #anywhere in the world! Yep, that means you can sleep well at night knowing your laptop and portable speaker are #covered.
However, there are a few expensive items that may have a dollar limit set if they are stolen. A few examples of these items are:
· Jewelry
· Furs
· Money
· Firearms
To ensure that all your items are covered at the correct value, we recommend reaching out to your insurance agent and scheduling them on your homeowner’s policy. Another option is to purchase a separate “personal articles floater policy”.
Give Clevenger Insurance a call today at 574-267-2181 and we would more than happy to #educate you on how best to protect those valuable items when traveling!