Lisa Harman is the owner of Live Well Kosciusko, a nonprofit organization located in Warsaw, Indiana. Live Well Kosciusko exists to provide education for businesses to better understand and improve the 5 pillars of wellbeing: physical, financial, social, career/purpose, and community. They also provide technical assistance and resources to businesses in the Kosciusko County community who are interested in implementing wellbeing programs for their employees. Live Well offers programs for tobacco and vaping cessation, workforce substance misuse recovery, the Employer Gold Standard of Cancer Care, civic engagement, chronic disease, and obesity, as well as speaker’s bureau and wellness fair resources.
Lisa is a wife, mom, and grandmother who enjoys spending time outside in nature. She loves to hike and bike with her husband, garden, keep bees, and increase native and wildflower plantings to support pollinators and butterflies.
When asked to share some encouraging words with other women business owners, Lisa said,
“Don’t be afraid to ask for help! There are so many resources and so many people who are willing to give others a helping hand. You are enough to make your dreams come true!”