Sarah Wordhouse is the owner and founder of The Word House, a community-centered bookstore located in Winona Lake, IN that caters to all ages and genres. Sarah’s goal is to create a space where anyone and everyone feels welcome and like they belong. The Word House is incredibly comfy and eclectic, so if that’s your vibe, you’ll fit right in!
There are three things you need to know about Sarah: She loves books, her cat – Billie – and finding ways to bring up both books and her cat in every conversation! So, it makes complete sense that she would create a business out of her three passions. Sarah enjoys reading all genres of books, but the young adult genre will always hold a special place inside her heart. She loves a timeless coming of age story and believes that we are always discovering ourselves no matter what age we are and that there is no better way to do that than through a good book.
When asked what advice she had to share with women who want to start their own business, Sarah said,
“I would start by asking around to see how other women started their business. You really can be your own worst enemy when it comes to believing in your skill and ability, so having someone to remind you of your strength is always beneficial.”