Taylor Schuler, co-owner of Renew Salon & Massage Theraphy

Taylor Schuler is the co-owner of a salon and massage therapy business located in downtown North Manchester, Indiana, called Renew Salon & Massage Therapy. She partners with her sister, Brooke, to offer a one-stop shop for all things beauty and health and wellness! While Brooke offers massage therapy services, Taylor runs the salon side of things. She’s been in the beauty industry off and on since 2019 when she graduated from cosmetology school. Taylor’s moved around a lot since that time, but now that she’s settled down in Indiana, she’s so excited to fully invest in her career as a hairdresser and be a full-time business owner.

Taylor’s passion is to make people feel beautiful and confident by enhancing their natural beauty. She specializes in lived in hair color, meaning that the color she offers will last a long time between appointments and doesn’t have as harsh of a grow out period. Her goal is for your experience in the salon to be relaxing and refreshing so that when you leave, you’re feeling like the best version of yourself.

Taylor is 22 years old and has been married now for two and a half years. For the last few years, her and her husband have lived in Kentucky and Illinois but are now buying their first home in Indiana right where she grew up. She also has a passion for photography, loves meeting new people, is a major dog lover, and is an avid follower of Jesus Christ. Everything Taylor does in her life is for His honor and glory!

When asked to share words of wisdom with other women wanting to become business owners, Taylor said,

“Even if it feels scary at times, the risk and reward are so worth it! Especially when you’re doing something you love!”