
The first lesson we learn in history class is “history will repeat itself”. Even the Bible tells us, Ecclesiastes 1:9 (NIV) “What has been will be again. What has been done will be done again; There is nothing new under the sun.” So if we believe these to be true then we need to prepare […]

First, let’s define what PCP actually means: Primary Care Physician. Those three words are something that everyone needs and here are a few reasons why: Your PCP is going to have records of your medical background, so they know how best to treat you based on past history! You get direct access to nurses at […]

PHI: It’s term you’ve perhaps heard in passing at the doctor’s office or in the office of your HR manager, but what does it actually mean? PHI stands for protected or private health information. It’s any personal information such as your name, birthday, social security number, or health diagnoses that ties you to a specific […]

How about an insurance policy that only charges a premium on what you use? Sound crazy? Believe it or not, we have been selling commercial insurance policies like this for years! Call us at 574-267-2181 and let us explain how these policies work and how Clevenger Insurance can save your company money!

Contingent Business Interruption provides protection against the interruption of your business production when one of your suppliers suffers a loss and cannot provide the parts you need to produce your goods or services. This is an important coverage to the security of your business and income stream! Call us at Clevenger Insurance at 574-267-2181 so […]