
Have you ever had a buddy, or a family member ask to borrow your car? Have you wanted to say yes but you weren’t sure if your insurance would cover your friend in the case of an accident? Well, this is kind of a loaded, two-part question so let’s break it down! Essentially, YES – […]

Have you ever heard the term ‘medical necessity’ used by your doctor or insurance company and wondered if it’s something you should pay attention to? Well, we think you should, and here’s why: In the insurance contract between your insurance company and your provider, the insurance company will pay on claims submitted if they are […]

Identity theft is a reality that we all have to face in this day and age. You never know when you’re going to get that dreaded call from your bank notifying you of numerous withdrawals from your account at gas stations, restaurants, and laundromats in Texas that were NOT made by you! So, what happens […]

Do you ever wonder why your home is insured more than it’s worth? Perhaps when renewal time comes around and you receive that summary in the mail of your homeowner’s policy, you get confused and agitated, wondering if your agent has made some sort of mistake! Well, before you decide to fire your agent, let […]

Dental insurance is one of the most common and cost-effective benefits that an employer can provide for their team. If you have dental insurance, you may have wondered a time or two if veneers are covered! The answer? It depends! I know that’s not as straightforward of an answer as you might like, but every […]