Why You Need a Primary Care Physician

Thursday, 02 December 2021

Pcp 2

Did you know that, statistically, designating a primary care physician for your healthcare needs can lead to overall lower healthcare costs?

Yep, it’s true!

Urgent Care centers and virtual visits with a doctor are wonderful if you’re in a pinch and need immediate access to healthcare. But there are some great benefits – apart from lower financial costs – that come with designating a primary care physician:

  • PCP’s offer yearly preventative screenings that can aid in early detection of disease and illness
  • PCP’s can refer you to specialists to help you with more in depth health issues
  • Because a PCP is the doc you go to for most of your wellness visits and illnesses, there’s a level of familiarity, safety, and comfort there that you probably won’t experience with one-time doctors

If you need help choosing the right primary care physician or need a list of in network doctors in your area, call your health insurance company direct or give Clevenger Insurance a call today at 574-267-2181.

What’s The Difference Between Comprehensive & Collision Coverage?

Thursday, 02 December 2021

Comprehensive Or Collision

Have you ever made an appointment with your insurance agent to discuss auto insurance, and the second they start discussing the different types of coverages, you find yourself tuning out?

We understand how confusing and overwhelming insurance can be. That’s why, as insurance nerds, it’s our job to educate you on your coverages so you can feel empowered to make the right decisions when it comes to your insurance needs.

When it comes to auto insurance, there are two types of coverages you need to be aware of: comprehensive and collision. Keep in mind that both types of coverages have deductible limits that will have to be paid before your insurance company pays on a claim.

Now, to make it simple, let’s break down the two different coverages.

First, let’s talk about comprehensive, AKA “other than collision coverage”. Comprehensive coverage provides coverage to your vehicle for losses that outside of your control. This might be vandalism, fire, theft, glass breakage, or any animal damage that is caused on the inside or outside of the vehicle.

Next, let’s talk about collision coverage. It’s important to note that collision coverage has a separate deductible from comprehensive coverage. Collision provides coverage for when your vehicle collides with someone else’s vehicle or when someone else’s vehicle collides with yours.

If you still need clarity on the difference between collision or comprehensive coverage,  or you’d like to take a look at coverage limits, give Clevenger Insurance a call today at 574-267-2181.

Don’t Forget! Your Deductible Starts Over!

Wednesday, 24 November 2021

Deductible Starts Over

We’re slowly getting to the end of the year, and while most of us have Christmas on our minds, it’s important to remember that the end of the year doesn’t only bring with it Christmas tree lights and presents! The end of the year also signifies that your health insurance deductible may be starting over.

For most insurance plans – not all – but most, the health insurance deductible typically starts over January 1st.

So, what does this mean for you?

Any medical appointments that you need, make sure you schedule now before January 1st, especially if you have already met your deductible or are close to meeting it.

Doctor’s office’s schedules tend to fill up fast this time of year for this reason! So, schedule soon if you are able, otherwise that met deductible will go back to $0 the first of the year and you’ll be paying out of pocket for those medical services.

If you’d like to know if your deductible is met, call the number on the back of your insurance card to speak to a representative or call Clevenger Insurance at 574-267-2181.

Difference Between an Auto Body Shop & an Auto Repair Shop

Wednesday, 24 November 2021

Auto Body Repair Shop

Did you know that there’s a difference between an auto body shop and an auto repair shop?

An auto repair shop is typically called a “garage” and provide solutions for wear and tear items on your vehicle. This might include replacing your breaks, your rotors, your tires, or even an oil change!

On the other hand, an auto body shop is who you’re going to want to visit if your vehicle is ever involved in a car accident. An auto body shop works on the body of your car such as the windows, doors, bumpers, etc.

In the event that you have an auto claim, and you are unsure if the body shop you want to use is a body shop or repair shop, give Clevenger Insurance a call at 574-267-2181 and we’ll point you in the right direction!

What is HIPPA?

Thursday, 18 November 2021


Have you ever been at the doctor’s office, and they’ve asked you to sign off on a form with the strange acronym HIPPA right at the top? Did you sit there and scratch your head wondering what in the world it was?

According to the CDC, HIPPA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act which is a federal law that protects sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient’s consent or knowledge.

This type of information could be your birthday, address, social security number, name, gender, your clinical diagnosis, or your medical history.

While HIPPA is a very good thing set in place to protect you, it can be difficult to face when it comes to wanting to obtain health related information about a loved one you may be caring for. You can override this by requesting a HIPPA form from the provider’s office and having yourself and your loved one sign off on the releasing of their medical information to you. This will free you to talk to their doctor about treatment plans, their diagnosis, medication, and ask questions related to your loved one’s medical care.

If you have any questions related to HIPPA or would like to a group health insurance quote, give Clevenger Insurance a call today at 574-267-2181.